Curiscope UK & EU

How It Works

How to use the Virtuali-Tee

Step 1 - Tracking.

To get started, simply open the Virtuali-Tee app and point at the t-shirt. The tracker image is best picked up by initially pointing at the upper chest with the device 0.5m/1.5ft from the t-shirt.

The tracking of the t-shirt requires that you are in a well lit space without heavy shadows and that the t-shirt is not stretched or heavily wrinkled.

Virtuali-Tee Tracking

Step 2 - Wow, the organs look amazing…now what!?

Well, we have implemented some pretty cool features into the app. Just tap the screen to get started. You can then isolate the physiological system by tapping on the coloured hot spots. You’ll see some buttons floating outside the chest, use the back button to navigate between systems. We encourage you to explore, if you see a button….tap it to find out what it does!

VR Mode

Step 3 - Surprise! Meet Hans Glover….your virtual expert on the body!

Think of Hans as a holographic guide to the body. He’ll talk you through the anatomy and physiological systems in the body. Just tap the Hans button and he’ll appear.

Surprise! Meet Hans Glover….your virtual expert on the body!

Step 4 - VR Mode. 

To enable VR mode scan the t-shirt and then tap the VR button. Place your device into a VR viewer and immerse yourself in the three experiences we have inside the body.

Wow, the organs look amazing…now what!?

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